Servicios de consultoría en planificación, asesoramiento tecnológico y comercialización en agri-business y apoyo a la ejecución en el marco del Proyecto de Desarrollo Ganadero y Lechero (LDDP Livestock and Dairy Development Project)

Bangladesh is one of the world’s most densely populated countries and highly vulnerable to climate induced natural disasters. Agriculture (crops, livestock, forestry and fisheries) is featured prominently in the Government of Bangladesh’s 7th Five-Year Plan and is expected to play an important role in reducing poverty and accelerating growth.

The livestock sector in its present capacity is unable to produce meat and milk is sufficient quantities to meet the requirement of the fast-growing population Institutional capacity of the Department of Livestock Services (DLS) is essentially required to be strengthened to address those challenges. In view of this, the World Bank is providing a loan through the Livestock and Dairy Development Project (LDDP) aiming to improve the performance of the livestock sector.

The overall objective of the assignment is to improve productivity, market access and the resilience of micro- and small-scale livestock producers and agro-entrepreneurs in the livestock value chain. More specifically, two main components will be addressed: (a) productivity improvement and innovation and (b) market linkages and value chain development. The latter includes the provision of Sub-Grants and Matching-Grants to different beneficiaries such as Micro-, Small- and Medium-Sized Enterprises, Producer Organizations and other actors in the Agribusiness sector. The grants will be used for the development of new or the expansion of existing businesses in the livestock and dairy production sectors and will help to establish dairy hubs, slaughter facilities and improve processing technologies for feed millers. The project will cover 61 districts of Bangladesh.