German-Moroccan Dialogue on Agriculture and Forestry (DIAF) - Component 1: Organic farming and Component 2: Inter-operation cooperation in agriculture and forestry

Project objective:

The legal and institutional framework conditions for the promotion and monitoring of organic agricultural production, for the further development of inter-operation cooperation in the agricultural and forestry sector (ÜZAF) and for sustainable, multifunctional forest management have been improved and contribute to the sustainable use of natural resources.

Component 1:

Objective: The Moroccan government is in a position to effectively promote and monitor organic farming through an appropriate legal and institutional framework and appropriate marketing.

Outcome 1: The relevant state actors have a deeper understanding of the necessary framework conditions for a sustainably organised organic sector, and a road map for its further development is available.

Outcome 2: On the basis of the road map, the Moroccan government has been advised on legislation.

Outcome 3: The Moroccan government has been advised on a strategy to develop the national and international market for organic products.

Component 2:

Objective: The system of professionalization of professional agricultural and forestry organizations (PAFO) is being strengthened and tested to better integrate small and medium-sized enterprises into local economic circuits.

Outcome 1: MAPMDREF has and implements instruments for consistent and systematic management for the professionalization of professional agricultural and forestry organizations

Outome 2: Advisory bodies are able to give advice to AFOs in the way that these organizations are able to develop in the direction of sustainable entrepreneurial way.

Ourcome 3: Some AFOs should be strengthened to serve as a model for the further development of PAFOs in other sectors and regions