Asia (excl. CIS)

China_German-Chinese Crop Production and Agrotechnology Demonstration Park (DCALDP)

Since August 2015, the German Ministry of Food and Agriculture (BMEL) is supporting the „German-Chinese Crop Production and Agrotechnology Demonstration Park“under their bilateral Cooperation Programme. The first project phase ended in July 2018 and it was agreed to extend the project for a second phase until July 2021 (with the option of a further prolongation for one year.

Myanmar_Strengthening of Public Financial Management at the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Irrigation

The overall purpose of the project is to support the roll-out of the country’s Public Financial Management (PFM) reform strategy at the level of the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Irrigation (MOALI), and to ensure its alignment with the core PFM reform led by the Ministry of Planning, Finance and Industry. The project will also support the delivery of results-based EU budget support to MOALI, i.e. by building the capacity of the Ministry to achieve the defined variable tranche indicators.

Lebanon_Technical Assistance and Provision of Business Advisory Services to SMEs

The scope of this contract includes the provision of technical assistance to the contracting authority in order to assist enterprises along the Litani River Basin to meet the national environmental standards in a cost effective manner. It also includes the provision of business advisory services to the targeted enterprises in need for aloan to execute the recommended environmental actions. Clients who have no previous experience of the formal banking sector will need help to prepare cash flow projections, and loan applications to ESFD partner banks with the necessary follow up.


Myanmar_Capacity Building and Climate Smart Agriculture Training Consultants

The Climate-Friendly Agribusiness Value Chains Sector Project supports implementing the government’s Agriculture Development Strategy (ADS), 2018-2023 and the National Export Strategy, 2015-2019 by boosting competitiveness in value chains for rice, beans, pulses, and oilseeds in the Magway, Mandalay, and Sagaing regions in the Central Dry Zone (CDZ).

Myanmar_Capacity Building and Climate Smart Agriculture Training Consultants

The Climate-Friendly Agribusiness Value Chains Sector Project supports implementing the government’s Agriculture Development Strategy (ADS), 2018-2023 and the National Export Strategy, 2015-2019 by boosting competitiveness in value chains for rice, beans, pulses, and oilseeds in the Magway, Mandalay, and Sagaing regions in the Central Dry Zone (CDZ).

Myanmar_Capacity Building and Climate Smart Agriculture Training Consultants

The Climate-Friendly Agribusiness Value Chains Sector Project supports implementing the government’s Agriculture Development Strategy (ADS), 2018-2023 and the National Export Strategy, 2015-2019 by boosting competitiveness in value chains for rice, beans, pulses, and oilseeds in the Magway, Mandalay, and Sagaing regions in the Central Dry Zone (CDZ).

Myanmar_Capacity Building and Climate Smart Agriculture Training Consultants

The Climate-Friendly Agribusiness Value Chains Sector Project supports implementing the government’s Agriculture Development Strategy (ADS), 2018-2023 and the National Export Strategy, 2015-2019 by boosting competitiveness in value chains for rice, beans, pulses, and oilseeds in the Magway, Mandalay, and Sagaing regions in the Central Dry Zone (CDZ).

Myanmar_Capacity Building and Climate Smart Agriculture Training Consultants

The Climate-Friendly Agribusiness Value Chains Sector Project supports implementing the government’s Agriculture Development Strategy (ADS), 2018-2023 and the National Export Strategy, 2015-2019 by boosting competitiveness in value chains for rice, beans, pulses, and oilseeds in the Magway, Mandalay, and Sagaing regions in the Central Dry Zone (CDZ).


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