Promotion of Sustainable Economic Development in Kyrgyzstan


Despite a pro-market economic reform policy rural areas in Kyrgyzstan are affected by high unemployment rates and offer few income opportunities. The accession of Kyrgzstan to the Eurasian Economic Union in 2015 can offer a potential to promote sustainable economic development through innovation and green growth. The accession does however also require improvements in the fields of food safety and quality assurance to harness these growth potentials from increased export opportunities. This is important not only for conventional agricultural production, but also especially for the organic sector. Organic agricultural production, which is treated as a priority of the Kyrgyz Republic. A national organic action plan (KONAP) has been prepared and is integrated in the National Strategy for Sustainable Development.

The overall objective of the programme is to create jobs and increase income through the promotion of sustainable economic development, with the consideration of a green economy. The programme encompasses four fields of interventions (FoI): (1) Value Chain Promotion, (2) Local Economic Development, (3) Access to Finance and (4) Reform Policy.

Expected results: 
To seize market opportunities and create jobs within the agricultural sector, it is necessary to further develop value chains and enhance the quality of production. Within the field of intervention (value chain promotion) the activities performed under this contract are expected to lead to the following results: 

  1. Economic conditions have improved in selected value chains and export sectors.
  2. Conditions for food safety/quality have improved in selected sectors and value chains.