Green Innovation Centres for the Agriculture and Food Sector: Country Package Mali: Support to the mango and potato/vegetable value chains

The objective of the Project is to increase the revenues of smallholder farmers, the rate of employment as well as the provision of food to the local population by means of disseminating innovations within the mango and the potato/horticulture value chains.

Services to achieve this aim include:

  • Identification, analysis and introduction/dissemination of innovations along different segments of the mango and the potato/vegetable value chains;
  • Training of trainers and multipliers (state services, training institutions, other private service providers) in the application of introduced innovations;
  • Eentrepreneurship Capacity Building: trainings on entrepreneurship, coaching of SMEs, support to youth to establish themselves as independent service providers within the value chains;
  • Organization of study tours for mutual exchange and learning and for business-to-business (B2B) meetings;
  • Advice to the development of curricula for innovative and competency-based training courses in the Institut Polytechnique Rural (IPR/IFRA);
  • Support to the implementation and continuous improvement of agricultural extension models, based on a combined Farmer Field School and Farmer Business School approach.