German-Zambian Agricultural Knowledge and Training Centre (AKTC) – Phase 3


The project is a Public Private Partnership (PPP) Project, financed under the BMEL Economic Partnership Programme.
The project is situated at the GART research station near Chisamba, approx. 70 km north of Lusaka where approx. 100 ha arable land is available for demonstration and trial areas. Phase 1 and 2 of the project were carried out by the same consortium and with the same long-term team from 01.08.2014 – 31.07.2021. 

Phase 3 will focus on emergent farmers and multipliers (extension service, lecturers etc.) as training target group and on the development of the AKTC as a regional competence centre for climate resilient agriculture. With the new component for “Climate Adapted Farming Methods” (CAFM), added to the project in 2019, trials and demonstrations for mechanised conservation agriculture on additional (rainfed) land will be carried out. Results from these activities will be shared and discussed with a network of regional partners in a regional Working Group for climate resilient agriculture.  

The project operates a pilot photovoltaic system in order to be more independent from the unreliable power supply and to reduce CO2 emissions by the project. 520 m2 of modules are supplying power for 90.000 m2 irrigated crop fields, the project office and the trainee house. The whole system supplies over 450 KWh per day on average, which is equivalent to 150 litres of dieses or 145 tons CO2 per year. In 2020, a service provided by one the AKTC business partners was introduced to the project: “variable rain” gives the opportunity to regulate irrigation schedules and water amounts through a remote sensing system via satellite imaging, which enables enormous savings in water consumption for irrigation.

The project objective is:
As an agricultural competence centre for climate-resilient production methods, AKTC makes a sus-tainable contribution to the further development and modernisation of agriculture in Zambia and the region.

The envisaged results of the project are:

  • Representatives of target and intermediary groups are further qualified through training, advice and demonstrations in the application of modern technology and production methods of sus-tainable crop production as well as in the efficient use of modern agricultural technology and means of production.
  • The expertise in climate-resilient agriculture is used by local and regional experts.
  • New cultivation and demonstration areas have been developed, designed and used in accordance with the needs of the target groups and partners.
  • A viable concept for the future operation of the AKTC has been developed and tested for feasibility.