AFC supports the productive use of agricultural infrastructure in North-West Ghana


Since 2009 AFC is supporting the GIZ “Market Oriented Agriculture Programme (MOAP)” in Ghana, by building the capacity of public and private service providers along the mango, pineapple, citrus and vegetable value chains in the country’s southern and middle regions. These activities have now been extended to the north-west of the country, with special focus on the mango, groundnut, rice, cashew, vegetable and soya value chains. Here, our activities for the MOAP are embedded in a co-financing agreement between GIZ and the European Union, which aims at increasing the capacity of value chain stakeholders to effectively use productive infrastructure set-up with EU funds, mainly in the field of irrigation. Apart from working with value chain actors, we are also building the capacity of rural communities for their involvement in the identification and maintenance of these infrastructure measures. Our activities in the North-West have increased the size of the AFC project team considerably, which now consists of four international and twelve national long-term experts.