Technical Assistance to the Programme in support of the National Policy of Food and Nutrition Security in Guatemala and its Strategic Plan

The objective of the programme has been to support the Government of Guatemala to improve and strengthen the institutional capacities (planning, programming, monitoring and evaluation) in the implementation of the PESAN 2009-2012 as well as on the aspects of communication and visibility of the EU budgetary assistance programme.

Services included:

  • Strengthen SESAN’s capacities in planning, coordination, integration and monitoring of the food and nutrition security interventions between the public sector, civil society and international cooperation agencies.
  • Strengthen a medium-term budgetary framework of the PESAN, to improve the multi-year programming and linking of the budget with the operational plans of each sector involved.
  • Improve the technical capacities, instruments and institutional mechanisms of the ministries and government agencies responsible for the implementation of programs and initiatives of the PESAN.
  • Support SESAN in building up its capacity to manage information systems related to food and nutrition security in a form that could be useful for the focusing and priorisation of public expenditures.
  • Advise SESAN in the integration of PESAN’s system of targets up to 2012 and its respective monitoring and evaluation system of impact indicators
  • Support the preparation of annual reports requested by the DUE in the Financing Agreement for the payment of the fixed and variable tranches, together with evidence of compliance.
  • Provide assistance in the implementation, operation, consolidation and progress of the Multi-Sectoral Committee on Food and Nutrition Security (MESAN) and its working groups (including the working group on climate change adaptation).
  • Support the effective operation of the spaces for the inter-institutional coordination of the entities which are related to the implementation of the PESAN, at both national and departmental level.
  • Support the institutional strengthening of the National Food Security Council (CONASAN) and its capacity to define sector policies.
  • Provide assistance to promote the participation of civil society in the implementation and monitoring of the PESAN.
  • Assist in the revision and updating of the PESAN 2009-2012 as well as its base line;  and support the formulation of the PESAN 2013-2020 (including mainstreaming on climate change adaptation).
  • Participate and contribute in the working spaces and arenas of coordination defined by the Delegation of the European Union in Guatemala (DEU) for the integration of cross-cutting themes (gender, indigenous people, environment).
  • Elaborate and implement a communication and visibility strategy, in line with the EU Manual on Visibility.
  • Participate in the DEU Network on Communication and Visibility.
  • Develop promotional material and organize fairs, study tours, seminars and conferences