Digital Financial Inclusion


Through digital finance, government support to low-income households becomes more efficient and reliable. Digital technologies create fascinating opportunities and trigger economic and social change all around the world. Many countries in Africa, Asia, Latin America, and the Pacific are leading the way when it comes to digital and mobile payment services, often bundled with micro-savings and micro-loan products, including payment flows along agricultural value chains.

Integrating information about agricultural output with financial systems infrastructure creates opportunities for credit which increases productivity of agricultural micro- and small businesses, hence further reducing poverty and vulnerability. Inter-linking these ecosystems with insurance is one of the fascinating and rising innovations. Digitally reaching farmers with agriculture insurance products is but one example of the growing universe of new business models which works for micro-, small- and medium entrepreneurs worldwide.

At AFC, we are proud of our experts’ contribution to building capacity among policy-makers, regulators, and financial service providers to harness the opportunities of digital financial services. AFC has a longstanding record of performance and trust with central banks, regulatory agencies, and financial institutions in Africa, Asia, and Eastern Europe. Involving various stakeholders across financial, telecommunication, and IT sectors along value chains is just one of the hallmarks of our work as change creator.

This brochure presents AFC’s best examples of creating and implementing digital financial products and services to support a more inclusive and resilient financial sector worldwide:


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For further information, please contact Vladislav Nimerenco (Vladislav.Nimerenco [at]